
Posted by: J. Damron    Tags:      Posted date:  August 21, 2019
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Several years ago I had to set aside a project dear to me and my overall practice. The project trailer, Capere, sat covered.

I began taking it apart at the end of last year, knowing how I would approach the re-design and re-build for two years. The timing had to be right with such a large project. I wanted to begin it knowing I could finish it in a proper time frame.

It is now completely dismantled down to the floor. Next month I will begin rebuilding it. The main issue in the initial design was the floor span relative to the metal frame of the trailer. It required many structural issues I no longer need. It was originally conceived having a first life as a live-in trailer. It would then just be used as a mobile project trailer and exhibition space.

The initial use was no longer needed, so all the structural issues could be eliminated.

The key part of the redesign is to simply shrink the foot print to the metal frame dimensions. My studio practice and other experiences have also excitedly led me to fabric as the material for the exterior walls, rather than using metal siding as originally intended, however it will still have the metal roof I envisioned and design touches that make it an intriguing vessel in the landscape. In all, I no longer have to design the structure with weight as a worry which will make a more intuitive design-build process with aesthetics still in mind.

About the author
J. Damron
artist, educator, design-builder

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