A recent project. PCT with four viewers and four words: Polymath, Protean, Sisu, Telos.

Near the Hoover Wilderness Area...fabulous sub-alpine and high desert wide angle trip.

Catching and releasing in the Owens Gorge.

5 days in the high elevation Nevada Great Basin, Nov. 2016: Arc Dome Wilderness to the Ruby Mountains.

I returned 15 months later to see how my 2015 wood opticons were fairing on the PCT. I didn't expect to see any one of the five I planted in the ground early in the summer of 2015, but there were still two there. They were placed in the ground several feet from where I had initially installed them. Awesome! This meant individuals had interacted with them with some degree of curiosity and care. The slides were no longer in the viewers however. And one of the slide holders was on the ground...no longer attached to the top of the vertical element. Last month in August while camped down from the trail I came back the next morning after the initial find to see that a PCT backpacker had already interacted with them and placed the slide holder on the ground back up on top of the vertical element. So this interplay happened just overnight from when I first spotted them... which makes me wonder perhaps if one or more of the other wood opticons are elsewhere, placed by a backpacker's hand with a curious eye.

The Temple family commissioned me to design and build 2 wall size shelving units (each in 3 parts for move-ability) and a desk. I used reclaimed lumber except for the actual shelves.

Pinon Bottle, a new business in Reno, purchased one of my custom 10ft. long benches (reclaimed redwood and douglas fir). They just opened their doors for business.




Crustacea, Pacific Cave
Big Sur, Fine Arts Bivouac- 2013. IMG_4269aIMG_4257aIMG_4242aIMG_4268a


dirt floor studio